1/11 “Taking Delight in God Is a Key to a Happy, Satisfied Life 要以神为乐乃是一个快乐、满足的人生的关键”(Read阅读Psalm 诗篇37:3-6)
Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: he will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. 你要倚靠耶和华,并要行善;你要住在地上,以信实为粮食。你要以耶和华为乐,他就把你心里所求的赐给你。你要把你的道路交托耶和华,并倚靠他,他就必成全。他必使你的公义好像光发出,使你的公正如日中天。(Psalm 诗篇37:3-6)
David counselled God’s people, instead of worrying and envying to simply trust God and do good for His glory consciously delighting in Him and cheering own heart and mind by considering and receiving His multiple blessings by faith. To delight one’s self in God means to commit one’s way to Him and to truly trust in Him finding peace, protection, and satisfaction in a surrendered focus upon Him. The one who has this delighted focus upon God will see Him bring these promises to pass. As God fulfils these desires of heart, the righteousness of God’s beloved is revealed shining forth in light like the noonday sun. 大卫辅导神的子民,要单纯地信靠神,并为祂的荣耀行善,代替憂虑和妒忌,有意识地以神为乐,以细想和憑信心接受祂多次的祝福,去使自己的心神欢欣。人自以神为乐,意味着要把自己的行径交给祂,并真的信靠祂,在降服地聚焦于祂上找到平安、保护和满足。那以神为乐者必看见祂带来这些应许的实现。当神就把心里所求的成就时,蒙神爱之人的公义得着彰显,好像光发出如日中天。
Prayer禱告: Father God, it is remarkable how quickly we could get distracted from the simple work of trusting you and doing good. Looking at the seeming prosperity of the wicked is one way we are often distracted. The reason many claimed Christians do not delight in you is that they do not know you very well, and the reason they do not know you very well is that they do not spend time with you. Help us not to be one among them. 父神啊,我们可以何等快速地,从信靠你和行善的单纯作为上分心,确是引人注目的;看见恶人似乎昌盛,乃是令我们往往分心的一个途径。许多声称的基督徒没有以你为乐的原因,就是他们没有认识你透彻;他们没有认识你透彻的原因,就是他们没有花时间给你。求你帮助我们不要成为他们当中的一员。Amen.