2022-11-11 “By God’s Eternal, Boundless Word Settled in Heaven and Earth, Our Lives Are Preserved”(Psalm 119:89-96)

By God’s Eternal, Boundless Word Settled in Heaven and Earth, Our Lives Are Preserved 神永恆、廣闊無邊、堅立在天地裡的話語使我們存活“(Psalm 詩篇 119:89-96)

Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures. Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you. … for by them you have preserved my life. Save me, for I am yours; … To all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless.

耶和華啊!你的話存到永遠,堅立在天上。你的信實存到萬代;你堅立了地,地就長存。天地照著你的安排存到今日,因為萬有都是你的僕役。… 因為你用這些訓詞使我存活。我是屬於你的,求你拯救我,… 我看一切圓滿的事都有盡頭,只有你的命令是廣闊無邊的。

Whether one believes it to be or not to be, God’s inspired word (including the Bible) comes from heaven and not earth, from God and not man, not merely settling in one’s heart or mind and yet enduring in heaven and earth but also demonstrating His faithfulness which extends across all generations to this day. We as His beloved children should never forget the life-giving power and character of God’s word. It is this life that strengthened us in the season of affliction. Despite all the great and beautiful things of this world, God’s word revealed to us is certainly not limited as the things, even the great things, of this earth are.


Prayer: God our Creator and Redeemer, we belong to you by creation, election, redemption, surrender and acceptance as well as our firm hope and assured belief that you will save us. Today many people deeming themselves exceedingly broad-minded think that the Bible is narrow. Yet, they show little tolerance for those who disagree with them. May Christ’s sacrificial love prompt us to love, read and obey your word which will make us broad-minded, broad-hearted, and tolerant to others in the best sense. Amen.

禱告: 神我們的創造和救贖者啊,我們靠賴創造、揀選、救贖、降服和接受,與及自己堅定的盼望和對你必拯救我們的確信而歸屬於你。今天,許多以為自己極之氣量大的人,認為聖經是狹窄的。然而,他們給那些不同意他們的人顯出不大的容忍。願基督犧牲的愛激厲我們,去愛慕、閱讀和聽從你的話語,從最好的意義來看,它必塑造我們對別人氣量大、心胸廣闊和容忍的。阿們。

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