2022-11-21 “Time Is Short. Christ’s Return Is Near. Be Awake and Well Prepared” (Romans 13:11-14)

Time Is Short. Christ’s Return Is Near. Be Awake and Well Prepared 時間不多,基督再來已近,要清醒和作好準備“(Romans羅馬書 13:11-14)

And do this, understanding the present time: the hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armour of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, … Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.

還有,你們知道這是什麼時期了,現在正是你們應該睡醒的時候,因為我們得救,現在比初信的時候更加接近了。黑夜已深,白晝近了,所以我們要除掉暗昧的行為,帶上光明的武器。行事為人要光明磊落,好像行在白晝。 … 總要披戴主耶穌基督,不要為肉體安排,去放縱私慾。

Our love (to God and to people) is the true measure of our obedience to God. Because we know the danger of the end times and we anticipate the soon return of Jesus Christ, we should be all the more energetic and committed to a right walk with God instead of a sleep-walk with God. Because one can do many religious things and still be asleep toward God, it is important for all Christians to make sure they are truly awake and active in their life before God. When we put on Christ, we put on all the full armour of God and are equipped to both defend and attack.


Prayer: Merciful God, thank you for reminding us that our flesh will be as active as we allow it to be. We have a work to do in behaving decently, as in the daytime. It is not as if Lord Jesus does it for us as we sit back; instead, He does it through us as we willingly and actively partner with Him. We just have to do it. May the Holy Spirit empower us to live the Christian life holy and pleasing to you. Amen.

禱告: 慈悲憐憫的神啊,感謝你提醒我們,我們對肉體縱容到何種程度,它就會活躍到何種程度。我們要行事為人光明磊落,好像行在白晝,就有當作的工要做。並不是我們坐在那裡等待著,好似主耶穌替我們作這工。反之,當我們甘願和積極地與祂配搭的時候,祂透過我們來作這工,而我們只是一定要這樣作。願聖靈使我們有能力,去活出基督徒聖潔、討你喜悅的生命。阿們。

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