“Do Not Mistake the True Meaning of the Cross 不要誤解十字架的真義“(Galatians 加拉太書6:14-16)
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation. Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule – to the Israel of God.
At root, Christianity is about God making a new creation in whoever believes in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross and thereafter resurrection for redemption, not something we do for God. This can simply define the difference between the systems of grace and law. Modern false and blind philosophy of the Christian life makes no unpleasant demands; rather, it offers the same thing the world does, only on a higher level. The new cross does not slay the sinner. It redirects him instead! God cannot approve any of the fruits of sin. The true cross stands for death sentence, the abrupt, violent end of a human being. He who carried the cross was not going to have his life redirected: he was going out to have it ended! Thus God salvages the individual by killing him and then raising him again to newness of life.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your word which reveals such a crucial rule for the Christian life to follow. As we go along our Christian life, help we just to not make it up but to measure ourselves according to this rule and have relationship with you restored to enjoy peace, mercy and blessings from you. Amen.
禱告: 天父啊,感謝你的話語啓示如此基督徒生活至關重要的準則去跟從。當我們過著基督徒生活時,求你幫助我們,不要只是在順口編造,卻務要照此準則衡量自己,並與你的關係得以恢復,去享受從你而來的平安、慈悲憐憫和祝福。阿們。