“A Calamity: Accepting This World as Our Ultimate Home 接受這世界為我們終極的家就是一個不幸“(1 John 約翰一書 2:15-17)
Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world – the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life – comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives for ever.
It seems incredible that we who were made in the image of God for many worlds but are now fallen beings should accept this one world as our ultimate home. We have all in it but forgotten the place from which we came. When a man really gets alone, he senses often that this life in this world is not the answer – it is not the end. A Christian is one who dedicates himself to God to inhabit another and better world!
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for reminding us not to love either the world’s system or its way of doing things. Though we may gain prestige, status, honour and comfort of this world, we lose all these in heaven and the world never wins out against you. Help us to appreciate how much the world dominates our thinking and how often our thoughts are more of the world than of you. May we do your will by investing our lives into that which cannot be lost, putting our time, attention and expense in regular contact with the Holy Spirit, the people around us and your revealed eternal word that pays eternal rewards. Amen.
禱告: 天父啊,感謝你提醒我們,既不要愛這個世界的體系,也不要愛它做事的方式。雖然我們會獲得這世界的聲望、地位、榮譽和舒適,卻在天上失去了這一切的東西,並且世界從來沒有勝得過你。求你幫助我們意識到這世界主宰我們的思維有幾多,並我們的思想有幾經常是涉及世界比涉及你更多。願我們將自己的生命投資在那些不能失去的事物上來行你的旨意,把我們的時間、注意力和金錢花費,都投入在與聖靈、我們周圍的人和你所啓示永恆的道,那給予永恆回報的經常接觸上。阿們。