2023-02-12 “God’s Will: Less of Old Self, More of Him”(Philippians 1:9-11)

God’s Will: Less of Old Self, More of Him 神的旨意是舊我愈衰微,祂愈顯大“(Philippians 腓立比書 1:9-11)

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.


Jesus Christ Himself is the deeper life. As we plunge into the knowledge of the triune God, our hearts move into the blessedness of His fellowship. This means that there is less of us and more of God – thus our spiritual lives deepen and we are strengthened in the knowledge of His will. Merely because of being originally created in God’s image, only mankind but no other creature could have the unique knowledge of companionship and daily partnership with God. That knowledge / partnership was then lost due to human sin. But God has given sinful mankind another opportunity in salvation through the merits of a Redeemer and expressed His own everlasting love for mankind through the giving of His Son.


Prayer: God of Trinity, you desire us to be loving and our love being not ‘blind love’ but having knowledge and all discernment. Indeed the work of becoming pure and blameless is your work through the Holy Spirit within us. Help us to abide in Jesus Christ, the deeper life so that we receive the life and nutrients we need to naturally bear fruit to your glory and praise. Amen.

禱告: 三一神啊,你希望我們有愛心,而我們的愛不是「盲目的愛」,卻是有知識和各樣的見識辨別。確實,那使人成為真誠無可指摘之工,是你透過聖靈在我們裡面的工作。求你幫助我們常在耶穌基督那更深的生命裡面,好使我們接受所需的生命和養分,去自然地結出果子,叫榮耀稱讚歸與你。阿們。

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