“Great Bible Saints: Enraptured Lovers of God 聖經中偉大的聖徒:對神狂熱的愛慕者“(Psalm 詩篇 5:9-12)
… But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favour as with a shield.
Perhaps the most serious charge which can be brought against today’s Christians is that we are not sufficiently in love with Christ – love which may rise to a degree of adoration almost beyond the power of the heart to endure! The great saints such as David and Paul, etc. were enraptured lovers of God. Nowadays it is rare when we find anyone aglow with personal love for Christ so deeply that the whole being goes out in a pained adoration of His person, an adoration that disturbs and disconcerts while it purges and satisfies and relaxes the deep inner heart. This radiant love for Christ like moral fragrance ever detected upon saints’ garments is sure proof of membership in the church universal! (A. W. Tozer)
對今日基督徒最嚴重的控訴,或許是我們對基督沒有足夠的愛 – 這種愛會提昇至敬崇的程度,甚至超過內心所能承受的!偉大的聖徒例如大衛和保羅等人,都是對神狂熱的愛慕者。今天很少發現有人心裡燃燒著對基督的愛,如此深刻而把整個生命投放在對祂位格的完全敬崇上,這種仰慕令心靈深處得以洗滌、滿足和舒緩下來,也使它感到惶恐和不安。這對基督熾熱的愛,好像曾在聖徒身上察覺道德的馨香,是普世教會成員的明証! (陶恕)
Prayer: God of Trinity, your favour is the greatest blessing of all. You promise joy and gladness to those who believe and trust in you, commanding us to pray and shout for joy in both ourselves and others. Knowing that you look on us with favour and pleasure is the greatest knowledge in the world. This is our standing in grace. Amen.
禱告: 三一神啊,你的恩寵是一切祝福中最大的。你應許把喜樂和歡欣賜給那些信靠你的人,命令我們祈求和歡呼喜樂在我們和其他人裡面。曉得你以恩寵和樂意看待我們,就是這世上最偉大的知識,這是我們在恩典裡的站立。阿們。