“Shameful/Sinful Mankind: Uncomfortable in God’s Presence 羞愧/有罪的人會因神的臨在而不安“(Genesis 創世記 3:8-9)
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’
Like Adam and Eve, Jonah and Peter, etc. fleeing from God’s presence, mankind need God above everything else, yet are uncomfortable in His presence because sin never feels comfortable in the divine presence! This is the self-contradictory moral situation sin has brought us into. The notion that there is a God but that He is comfortably far away is not embodied in the doctrinal statement of any Christian church. Anyone who dared admit that he held such a creed would be considered a heretic and avoided by respectable religious people; but our actions, and especially our spontaneous utterances, reveal our true beliefs better than any conventional creed can do.
Prayer: God of Trinity, you obviously know where we are but also know a gulf has been made between you and us, a gulf that you yourself would have to bridge. You heartfelt cry, ‘Where are you?’ is meant to arouse our sense of being lost, to express your sorrow over our lost condition and our accountability before you as well as to lead us to confess, repent and return to you. Thank you for coming to us through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit patiently and personally with truth and care showing us our lost condition and waiting for our answer with repentance and loving obedience. Amen.