“We Are Loved of God for Jesus’ Sake 神為著耶穌的縁故愛我們“(Romans 羅馬書 5:7-8)
Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
為義人死,是少有的;為好人死,或有敢作的;唯有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死, 神對我們的愛就在此顯明了。
God loves sinners for that which He sees in them of His lost and fallen image, for God can never love anything but Himself, directly. He loves everything else for His own sake. So, we are loved of God for Jesus’ sake! God loves lost men, not because He is careless or morally lax, but because man was made in the image of God. While sin has ruined mankind and condemned him to death forever unless he be redeemed through the blood of Jesus Christ, he is a being only one degree removed from the angels. Extract and take out that sin and we have the image of God again! And Jesus Christ was the image of God because He was a man without sin. God sees in Jesus Christ what we would have been, His perfect humanity.
神愛罪人,是因著祂在他們裡面看見已失喪又墮落之祂的形象,因為神絕不能直接愛在祂以外的任何東西;祂是為自己的緣故才去愛其它的東西。因此,我們是為耶穌的緣故蒙神所愛!神愛失喪的人,不是因為他疏忽大意,或是放鬆他的道德標準;而是人是按著神的形象造的。雖然罪毀壞了人,並判定了他永遠的滅亡,惟有藉著耶穌基督的寶血才蒙救贖,但他仍比天使微小一點。只要抽取並清除罪的毒素,我們便可以重現神的形象!耶穌基督正是神的形象,因為祂完全無罪。神在耶穌基督裡看見我們會已是甚麽 – 祂完美的人性。
Prayer: God of Trinity, thank you for the Father’s mercy and will of salvation, the Son’s loving obedience to accomplish the mission and the Holy Spirit’s presence as the Counsellor and channel of your love for us. Soften our hearts with your unfailing love and strengthen us with your grace, peace and power in walking with you day by day. Amen.